Inside OPR

The Season, a novel by Carlee Smith

While I’m known around the office as a music lover (specifically a Spotify fanatic), I rediscovered my love for reading over the past year, so why not lean into that to talk about my past year at Obsidian? The last 365 days were a whirlwind, and they continue to be. However, I’m realizing that’s simply the season of life I’m in right now. In that same vein, if I were to write a novel detailing my professional and personal past year, I would call it The Season – a nod to the ever-changing nature of life and the growth that comes with it.

Return to (Not So) Normal
We start off this story from the comfort of my living room couch. OPR is preparing to return to a hybrid schedule for the first time since the pandemic, and I’m preparing my dog, June, to be away from me for extended periods of time – something she was not happy about. As soon as we’re getting into the swing of things, our return to normal is halted by another COVID surge so we start to work from home again (to the delight of my pup). A busy summer looms overhead as a co-worker is slated for maternity leave so we begin to discuss and plan for what that will look like. However, nothing can quite prepare you for the moment until you’re actually in it.

Trial By Fire
I learn best when I can watch someone do something then try to do it for myself – which is exactly what my (now) five years at OPR were preparing me for. All that time spent listening, learning and gathering information comes down to this. I’m set at the starting line when a shot fires, and we’re off. By the end of the race, our co-worker returns with a beautiful baby girl, and I’ve come out with a gold medal. I can see how far I’ve come since the beginning and everything I’ve learned along the way. I would say “victory is mine,” but we’re a team at Obsidian – a victory for one is a victory for all.

Into the Unknown
By the end of the year, I was steadying my feet into a new role, realizing I never came off the track. As I write this, I’m realizing we’re all working toward the finish line, toward a common goal as a team. Every day is different, continually changing track presenting new, exciting challenges. Not knowing what lies ahead is the fun part, and we’re all along for the ride.