A healthy, socially distant dose of sunshine

As everyone adjusts to life as we know it, it’s fair to say that some of us are going a little stir-crazy. If we were all trapped indoors all day, every day, odds are we’d go insane. Luckily, the weather in Memphis has been pretty empathetic to our situation of late, and it’s invited us to spend our time taking in a deep breath of fresh air, just when we felt like it was starting to get harder to breathe. 

We’re trying our best as a team to take care of business and take care of our mental health. That sometimes looks like getting outside and soaking up some vitamin D! I moved homes recently, so I spend a lot of my time running in and out of the house to bring boxes inside, and I make sure to take my dog for random strolls through my new neighborhood – ahh, Midtown, we love to see it. But, I’m not the only one taking advantage of the sunshine! 

Check out how our team is spending time safely outdoors and enjoying springtime.    

“When the weather is nice, I enjoy swinging on an oversized swing on a grand oak tree in our backyard, playing soccer and shooting basketball with the boys.” – Courtney

“We love sidewalk chalk! My husband and I recently googled preschool jokes and let my 4-year-old pick one, then we snuck over to our friend’s house down the street and wrote one on their driveway for them to find. We ride bikes or our golf cart around the neighborhood and pull the wagon – the dog loves it. Our swingset has turned into a great investment. We spend lots of time in our own yard since we’re trying not to go to the park. We’ve been taking picnics, where we’ll load up a bag with lunch and bring a quilt to some grassy area in our neighborhood and eat. I learned that our inflatable pool died a holey death, so I let the kids pick a new, bigger one since our neighborhood pool is closed for a while.” – Kelli

“I exercise outdoors and work from my balcony when weather permits.” – Murray         

“When the weather is nice, you can find me going on runs, walks, sitting outside on the patio working or playing in the yard with Rooney!” – Addison

“When it’s sunny outside, I love walking, running and laying by the pool at my apartment complex.” – Gracie

“I like to go out early when most people are still in bed.” – Ashley

“I’ve gone for a walk on the trail or around my apartment complex almost every day after work.” – Whitney

“Playing with the dog in the backyard has been a great way to get out and get some sun. Nathan and I have a spring and summer tradition of sitting on our deck while the sun sets and drinking wine. We’re going to probably start that a little earlier since we’re dying for any time outdoors.” – Taylor

“On nice days in Memphis, I literally move as far away as possible to dodge people passing me on trails and sidewalks! Next weekend, I’m cleaning my balcony so I can start working up there when the weather is nice.” – Christina

“I like to go on neighborhood walks!” – Brittany 

“If it’s nice, I like to go for a walk through my neighborhood. I’ll carry headphones and call an old friend to catch up. It doesn’t feel so lonely that way.” – Carlee

“On nice days, I walk in my neighborhood and play with my 3-year-old in our yard – that is as far as I’m willing to go right now for health and safety reasons!” – Lauren

What’s your recipe for staying entertained outdoors during the quarantine? Share with us in the comments!