Our Blog

It’s worth a little operational discomfort

When people ask about my daughter, I tell them she’s a hot mess. She’s only 2, but a few weeks ago in church, she clapped after a baptism and said “YAY! WE’RE DONE!” She used her outside voice to ask where Nonna and Aunt Bekah were. (They live…

Happy International Women’s Day!

In case you missed it, March 8 is International Women’s Day. As an office full of ladies, we thought it would be appropriate to celebrate by giving nods to women who inspire us. From singers to saints, the women on this list give us a lot to be…

Public relations’ potential impact is limitless, but results can be limited

The potential impact of a strong public relations campaign is limitless. You can seismically shift public opinion, deeply endear employees to a company or start a social justice movement when PR tactics are executed perfectly. But there are just some things that PR can’t accomplish or challenges we…

Confronting my “anything”

Growing up, my grandmother always told me, “You can do anything you set your mind to.” Throughout my life, I have heard that phrase repeated over and over again. I even began finishing the sentence for her. She passed away a few years ago, but to this day,…

A year of stranger, better things

Yeah, I’m a little late to the party. In fact, I think I’m even late for the after-after-party. The Netflix juggernaut Stranger Things debuted in summer 2016, which means we’re almost a year and a half to the day from that premiere. For that long, I have sat…